Leadership Counsel Action seeks to build political power in the San Joaquin Valley and Eastern Coachella Valley in order to fundamentally shift representation and the culture of decision making to one that is inclusive, just and transparent.

  • Build political power in the San Joaquin and East Coachella Valleys.

  • Ensure inclusion of needs and opportunities in SJV and ECV communities in local, regional and state level policies, programs and investments.

  • Support and establish leadership pipeline for boards, commissions and elected offices.

  • Ensure government accountability to SJV and ECV community priorities and opportunities.

  • Engender systemic and sustained change through strategies such as political engagement, lobbying, convening tables with other (c)(4) organizations, policy research and analysis.

  • Increase civic engagement and advocacy in low-income communities and communities of color to advance the needs and priorities of said communities in order to bring about systemic and sustained change.

  • Ensure leadership development is at the core of our work in order to better prepare community leaders to take roles in decision-making bodies and processes.


Are you in?

Help us build political power in the San Joaquin and East Coachella Valleys.